Riporto integralmente:
Feb 2, 2007
Dear Friends,
Over the past year, we have seen ominous signs that President Bush is preparing a military attack on Iran. Over the past few weeks, his rhetoric about Iran has become even more bellicose.
An attack on Iran would be an unmitigated disaster.
We need your help to build public resistance to a war with Iran.
Council for a Livable World is working with Physicians for Social Responsibility and other organizations to publish a full page magazine ad telling Congress to stop President Bush from attacking Iran. We need your help to place this ad in the Congressional Quarterly and publications across the country.
Please contribute $25, $50, $100 or whatever you can so that we can avert another disaster before it’s too late.
We can agree that Iranian President Mahmood Ahmadinejad’s denial of the Holocaust is disgusting.
We can agree that Iran’s development of nuclear weapons is dangerous and risks spreading nuclear weapons to still more countries.
But the way to stop Iran is through diplomacy, not war.
War with Iran could create a second quagmire for the United States in the Middle East. It could cost thousands of American and Iranian lives, and only strengthen the hand of Iranian hardliners who want to develop nuclear weapons.
It could further devastate the American position in the world, which is already weakened because of the Iraq war.
We need a smart foreign policy to deal with Iran, not another rush to war based on flimsy intelligence.
Spread the word by recruiting your friends to help us publish an ad in publications across the country.
We can stop President Bush from making another tragic blunder, but we need your help.
Please contribute $25, $50, $100 or whatever you can so that we can avert another disaster before it’s too late.
John Isaacs and Guy Stevens
lunedì 10 marzo 2008
If You Like War in Iraq, You'll Love War on Iran.
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